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Showing 1 entry for year: 2002 | 2004 | 2009

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Christophe Blain, Joann Sfar

Socrates the Half-Dog (Series): Heracles [Socrate le demi-chien. Héraclès] | Odysseus [Ulysse] | Oedipus in Corinth [Œdipe à Corinthe]

A trilogy about a special super-hero, Socrates, the half-dog, half-philosopher, whose father was a dog belonging to Zeus and whose master was Heracles. Each of the volumes centres on a different mythological hero: the first on Heracles, the second on Ulysses, the third on Oedipus.Socrates’ powers make him similar to humans – he can think, talk, and even read, while claiming that his philosophy is based on doing nothing – eating when hungry, sleeping when sleepy, and following t(...)


YEAR: 2002 | 2004 | 2009